Animal Health Express is the on-line catalog for Vaquero Feed & Livestock Supply. They are sister companies.
All products that Animal Health Express carries are also available in the Vaquero store - plus many more. Any question call our helpful team!
Featured Products

October 25, 2023: EDCC Health Watch
Arizona Horse Positive For EEE
According to the Arizona Department of Agriculture, one horse in Cochise County is positive for Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE).....
Click HERE for full article.
January 1, 2024: Vaquero Team
How to measure your horse for a winter blanket?
By using a fabric tape measure, start in the center of the horse's chest, wrap around the point of the shoulder back to the widest part of the butt, and to the center of the tail. This will give you the most accurate blanket measurement.
Antibiotics Moving to Rx in 2023
Come June 11, 2023 most over the counter medicine will be an RX item. What does this mean? We will still carry these items but, we will need a vet prescription in order to sell you this product.